Monday, August 4, 2008

Back to work...

To be honest I haven't been really digging into anything brand new lately. Traveling doesn’t make it easy to stay up on all the new stuff coming out. I need time back in my office to really “work” on finding some new tunes. Anyway, enjoy some of my recent “stuff that I missed the first time around.”

Also be prepared, my travels have allowed me to build a mix that I’m getting ready to post. Dude…this thing is a lifetime in the making…

Brenden Benson - Cold Hands Warm Heart
-There just arent enough songs like this… It’s just tremendously good in every aspect. Music – Spot on. Lyrics – insightful but not pretentious. Vibe – exactly what you’re looking for in any mood. Just good music, bottom line.

Destroyer - Painter in Your Pocket
-Give this track a chance. It’s got a slow build that is going to make you want to skip ahead, but don’t. Let it work its magic. The killer little riffs build to a really cool jazzy number. New wave fans are going to LOVE this track.

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