Friday, July 25, 2008

Weekend Playlist

Not to much to say today. It's Friday, so enjoy it.

My new boss…

Albert Hammond Jr - GFC
-I was telling Nolan a couple of weeks ago how in love with this track I am…the feelings haven’t subsided. The only thing on my “To Do” list this weekend is: Buy Albert Hammond Jr. disc.

Ting Tings - Thats Not My Name
-Linds LOOOVES this song. It’s fun and cute, just like her…so I could see why she’d like it… Awww, I know…

The Henry Clay People - Working Part Time
-I’m surprised I like this song, seeing as normally the “not really singing just kinda talking to the music” singers bug me. I hear a little bit of Arcade Fire mixed with The Strokes (it’s a stretch but you can hear it) in the music, so I think that is what is keeping me into it.

Fun with video! (actually this track is just so old, no one has the mp3 of it)
GBV – As We Go Up, We Go Down

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