Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Record Review - Bell X1

Bell X1 - Flock

This entry might more accurately be titled a “Somewhat New Tunes Alert.” Truth be told these guys have been around for a long time, and Flock – the bands 2nd album – was released overseas in March…wait for it…of 2006. Yeah…so not so new right? My only saving grace is that it didn’t get an official US release until Feb 19 of this year, so I think I’m safe.

I don’t know if it’s the winter blues or what, I’ve been in a mood for a good pop cd for a while now. Just as luck would have it…Flock is full of pop rock songs that are catchy, safe, and going to remind a lot of listeners of Snow Patrol. It’s a fair comparison based off of some the slower tracks. The strumming guitars, strings, and airy vocals will remind you of something you’d hear in the background of that one episode of Grey’s Anatomy where Meredith says she loves Derek, but he says he’s not ready, but you just totally know he is.

Luckily for everyone though, Bell X1 doesn’t dwell in the longing love song mode for the entire album. Paul Noonan’s vocals have a little bit of a Talking Heads feel, which makes for a good match with the upbeat tracks that are thick with layers of piano and bleep-bloob-blops of cpu sound effects.

“Rocky Took A Lover” is easily the best track on the album, and will soon become your "feel good" Spring/Summer anthem. Its opening keyboard rift reminds me a lot of good Third Eye Blind tracks. I don’t care who you are and how indie your music tastes are…you cannot disagree that “Semi-Charmed Life” is a kick ass song.

Other notable tracks: Eve, The Apple of My Eye – mello, piano laden song that reminds me of something Five For Fighting would sing (die hard OC fans will recognize this song), My First Born – jazzy piano number with a dark brooding but still really melodic vocal, Bigger Than Me – the eclectic guitar rifts and rich chorus has a Talking Heads meets Modest Mouse vibe, Trampoline ­– fun, upbeat track with some good texture to the layers.

Overall, I wanted to like this cd… I’ve been in a funk of cd’s that have been good, but nothing really consistently listenable beginning to end. I don’t know how long I’ll dig this cd, but I really dig it right now. I think it is all because of the upbeat pop songs. I don’t always like to concentrate about why a cd is good. Sometimes I just want to hear something polished and nice and say “oh that sounds good.”

This disc does a great job of being pleasing to just about anyone you would play it for, but still has layers that allow you dig a little deeper should you choose to do so. I have no doubt that it will get heavy rotation this Spring in the Team Robertson “Outside Tunes” playlist.

Bell X1 - Rocky Took a Lover
MP3: Bell X1 - Eve the Apple of My Eye
MP3: Bell X1 - Chicken Lips Remix

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