Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Lykee Li – Little Bit

First the meatball, then IKEA, and now Indie Rock…the Swede’s are so hot right now…

Add Lykke Li to your growing list of acts coming out Sweden that are pretty much just kick ass. Her debut ep, Little Bit, was produced by fellow Swede Björn Yttling (of PB&J) and is chock full of killer indie tunes that will keep you smiling all day long. It’s not available in the US yet, so I’ve included some mp3’s for your downloading pleasure…

Right click, 'save target as' to download mp3's
I'm Good, I'm Gone (highly recommended)
Tonight (highly recommended)
Dance Dance Dance
Little Bit
Everybody but me
Breaking It Up


Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to differ with your comment on the meatball. While the swede's make a mean meatball, I'm going to lean toward the Italian meatball in most cases.

CC said...

I don't know about meatballs, but give me some dumplings because me likee this chickee!