Thursday, October 2, 2008

ACL Tracks

This year, the ACL festival gods must have really liked me, because I came home with a fun parting gift...some sort of dirty hippie upper respitory infection. Ya, it sucks.
Speaking of ACL, here are a couple of tracks that came up in conversation this weekend. Both tracks kick ass,'re welcome!
This new Ben Folds track might be the catchiest song ever. What can I say the dude can write a killer song. I was telling Nolan, that I was going through my iTunes the other day and was shocked by how many Ben Folds albums I have...I think I have all but 1. He's the kinda dude that creeps up on you like that...Ben Folds, not Nolan.
This is the "new" track that VW played on Friday. I really like that these literally only know enough songs to play for exactly 1 hour. Normally something that would annoy me, but with these dudes, I just find it comedy.

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