Monday, October 13, 2008

EOD Tracks...

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate work place abreviations? Seriously, they make me mental. EOD, COB, ETA, ASAP, and WAYAPOTICIOW...Why are you always playing on the internet Casey, instead of working?)

Anyways, this song makes me happy, and I hope it does the same for you. Enjoy.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

ACL Tracks

This year, the ACL festival gods must have really liked me, because I came home with a fun parting gift...some sort of dirty hippie upper respitory infection. Ya, it sucks.
Speaking of ACL, here are a couple of tracks that came up in conversation this weekend. Both tracks kick ass,'re welcome!
This new Ben Folds track might be the catchiest song ever. What can I say the dude can write a killer song. I was telling Nolan, that I was going through my iTunes the other day and was shocked by how many Ben Folds albums I have...I think I have all but 1. He's the kinda dude that creeps up on you like that...Ben Folds, not Nolan.
This is the "new" track that VW played on Friday. I really like that these literally only know enough songs to play for exactly 1 hour. Normally something that would annoy me, but with these dudes, I just find it comedy.