Thursday, March 6, 2008

Mark Your Calendar - DCFC


This week I’ve been reading as much as I can about the new Death Cab album, and I gotta say I am freaking pumped about it. Rolling Stone claims to have heard “Narrow Stairs” in its entirety, and makes a very bold statement by calling it DCFC’s best disc yet. The “Best Album of ‘08” tag has already been stuck on it…and it doesn’t come out for another 2 months. Gotta love overzealous music writers…

The first single, I Will Possess Your Heart, gets released on March 24 - I’ve scoured the Interweb searching for a leak and it doesn’t exist - so until then, enjoy a classic cut from Transalanticisim.

DCFC - Title & Registration
I could go on for days on reasons why Title & Registration is one of my favorite songs of all time. Instead, I'll just say this: If you don't like this's probably safe to say that we aren't that good of friends. Everything that is good about music is captured in this song.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say I don't like it...