Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Afternoon Dee-Lite!

MP3: Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks - Gardenia
I love songs like this. It’s a fun, pop gem that is guaranteed to make you smile.

Dynamite Hack - Boyz in the The Hood
There’s nothing wrong with kickin’ it ‘ol school every now and then. This track was in high rotation in our dorm room Sophomore year at A&M whilst we desperately tried to get Freshman girls drunk with cheap beer in hopes of hooking up…looks like Linds was the big winner!


Anonymous said...

how random. i just downloaded The Gourds - Gin 'n Juice after not jamming to it since college. somehow, bluegrass does it justice.

Anonymous said...

ahhh, boyz in the hood and drunk freshmen girls. I wonder who helped you get that beer in your laundry basket?

Good to Malkmus is still doing well since Pavement disintegrated.